Famous Catholic Statue Marble Saint Archangel Michael Statue for Sale MS-111

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Famous Catholic Statue Marble Saint Archangel Michael Statue for Sale MS-111

The Archangel-St. Michael’s statue is the perfect image of an angel protector. It is also a warrior angel whose power and appearance make him the perfect patron of soldiers, soldiers, etc.
Item No: MS-111
Style: Archangel Statue
Keyword: Archangel Statue for Sale
Size: 6 Feet or Customized Size

In the battle of good and evil, St. Michael led a heavenly army against Lucifer’s rebellion.In the 6-foot Saint Archangel Michael Statue, we see the heavenly general as he defeated the enemies of heaven.


St. michael wears a suit suitable for soldiers and heavenly generals.His breastplate was gorgeous and ornate, with leather trim and shoulder trim, while his magnificent wings still gleamed behind him.At his feet were the enemies of Michaels, interpreted as Lucifer, Satan, or any evil that this angel might personally attempt to conquer.


famous catholic saint statue large archangel michael statue for sale


He clung to the villain’s chain with one hand, and waved the sword menacingly with the other, as if preparing for a strike.The incredible statue, made of cold-cast resin, was hand-painted to look like cast bronze.The 6-foot Saint Archangel Michael Statue is an impressive statue of its height and importance, and is a dreamlike decoration project, ideal for indoor and outdoor decoration.


Catholic statue archangel michael statue for sale


Angels often play many roles, and so do the archangels, who are among the most powerful creatures in heaven.This Saint Archangel Michael Statue depicts an angel of the same name, who is considered a warrior, a protector, and a leader.


Archangel Michael was the leader of Heaven’s war, and he led Heaven’s army to victory over the fallen angel Lucifer at the end of the day.In this statue, he is depicted as a powerful man in ornate but complete plate armour, symbolizing his role as a soldier and his importance as an angel.The great feather wings extended back, and he held the golden sword and shield in his hand.


famous catholic statue archangel michael statue for sale MS-111


The Archangel St. Michael’s statue is the perfect image of an angel protector. It is also a warrior angel whose power and appearance make him the perfect patron of soldiers, soldiers, etc.


For Saint Archangel Michael Statue,or other catholic statue in marble,please contact with us by email or calling us NOW !



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