Catholic White Marble Pulpit with Pure Hand Carved for Church for Sale

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Catholic White Marble Pulpit with Pure Hand Carved for Church for Sale

The pulpit is the position of the Christian church missionaries.So if any requirement about White Marble Pulpit,please contact with religious sculpture factory.
Item Number: MS-121
Keyword: Marble Pulput
Keyowrd: White Marble Pulpit

The pulpit is the position of the Christian church missionaries. The origin of the word is the Latin pulpit. The traditional marble pulpit is much higher than the surrounding floor to provide audibility and visibility, entering through the steps, and the sides reach the waist height.


Since the late Middle Ages, there has often been a sound board on the pulpit called the soundboard or above, sometimes behind the speakers, usually on wood.


Our catholic sculptures Gallery are focusing on marble carving from 1979,and we also have a team of which focusing on catholic sculpture carving.


So if any requirement about White Marble Pulpit,please contact with our religious sculptures gallery.


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